An Ideal Day in the Life of Kunoichi Kuze

If you can have a day like this, your mind and body will feel refreshed.

I hope that the more you are always pressed for time, the more you can regain your “own pace” by setting aside some time and space for yourself, even if it is short, to reset and refresh your day, and spend it comfortably and gob-smacked!

The following is just an ideal day★


Woke up. I drank some white water, opened the curtains and windows, and meditated in the morning sun.

Breakfast: Smoothie with carrots, avocado, acai, banana, honey and flaxseed oil.

*If there’s a sweet I really want to eat, I’ll eat it here!


Washing, cleaning, tidying, and taking care of plants. I also take care of myself.


Checking various news and social networking sites and organizing information such as email communication.


Creative work is done in the morning.

The tea is mugwort tea. I took a break to do yoga and stretch.


Lunch: buckwheat crepe with chicken meat, egg, minestrone, Green salad with Broccoli and Shiso. Drink: soy milk or cinnamon tea.

*This is where I eat when I want meat!


20 minutes power-nap!

Free time to do the rest of my work, meet with people and exchange information, in addition to researching hyoro-gan(Ninja Emergency Biscuit ), and practicing martial arts, I also visit art galleries and museums. I would also like to practice tea ceremony and musical instruments!

Snacks are nuts such as walnuts and wolfberries.


Dinner: I eat  well-balanced Japanese food, including brown rice with glutinous barley, pork miso soup with lots of vegetables, grilled fish and vegetable with sesame paste. I don’t eat too much for my health.After dinner, I attended a seminar, read a book, trained my eyesight by looking at a candle flame, and spent time quietly looking inside myself. Time for introspection.Take a relaxing bath to take the chill out of your body.


Unwind with 15 minutes of stretching and go to bed.