How to Motivate Yourself to Act

What supported the mentality of ninjas

Ninjas disguised themselves as traveling entertainers, monks, merchants, etc. when they were in public. By doing so, they could blend into the crowd in all kinds of places and obtain a variety of information.

Even today, I think it would be easier if people could play themselves differently depending on the scene, but it is rare for ordinary people to act so boldly. Many people finally make a move only when they are cornered.

Exams and interviews, when you are stuck at work, when you are at a crossroads in your life…When faced with an important situation, you may feel lost and stuck, wondering what to do.

We all have times when there’s something we need to do but are putting off doing it. When faced with a task, ninja kept themselves from procrastinating by some guidelines below.

「Keeping a Clean Conscience」

Ninjas were greatly skilled at intrusion and forming strategies, but they knew they would not be any better than bandits if they used those skills for personal greed. Therefore, ninjas always remembered to keep a clean conscience as a compass for their heart.

「Deep Self-awareness」

The most important thing is to know who you are at any given moment. In conversation, ninjas could sway the emotions of others, manipulate their feelings, and stealthily extract information from them. In order to do this yourself, it is essential to first understand your own weaknesses — which is the first step in overcoming them — and protect yourself from situations where another person tries to exploit your weaknesses.

「The Three Illnesses」

Ninjas referred to fear, underestimating the enemy, and overthinking as “The Three Illnesses.” As the words read, they are indeed well thought out and warn us against two extremes: 1) acting swiftly and carelessly and 2) being so overcome with anxiousness that no action is taken. Ninjas always had the Three Illnesses in mind to avoid being trapped by them.

I believe that ninjas were able to perform their duties by sharpening their mental determination through these principals.

This process made their various disguises realistic and played an important role at the time.

 In addition, ninjas valued the practices of quieting their minds, gaining courage, and eating to keep in a state of peak performance at all times. But we will come back to this topic at another time.

Ninja Spirituality